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Contact me

Martin X. Moleski, SJ
Assistant to the editors of Biblica and Orientalia
Pontificio Istituto Biblico
Via della Pilotta 25
Roma, RM 00187


Where I Stand

I am a Roman Catholic.

I believe all that the Church teaches.

I assent to every teaching that the Church proposes through the Magisterium.

I am pro-life.

I teach what the Church teaches about sexuality and marriage:

  • It is between one man and one woman.
  • God crowns the union of a baptized couple with a life-long bond.
  • The marriage relationship is the norm for sexual activity; every other form is abnormal.
  • Every exercise of the marital act should be natural; the only acceptable methods of birth regulation are abstinence and Natural Family Planning.

I believe that the ordination of women to the priesthood is impossible.

I am opposed to a change in the discipline of priestly celibacy in the Roman Rite.

I judge that the use of female altar servers in the United States discourages young men from considering a vocation to the priesthood and religious life.

I say the Mass according to the norms of the Church.

I am not thrilled with the new translation of the Mass, but it is better than the old translation and far better than what might have come to us from an all-American "translation."

This wiki

First edit — 14:29, 23 August 2010 (EDT).

680 articles now. I'm not sure whether this counts redirects or just the "real" articles.

Upgraded from 1.19.20 to 1.23.5 — 13:15, 12 October 2014 (UTC). 13,835 edits, not including this one!

Big crash and move to Centos 7 around the end of May, 2016.

Upgraded to PHP 7.2 and 1.31 on 10 September 2018. 17,933 edits.

Upgraded to version 1.40.0 on 6 August 2023, Feast of the Transfiguration.

This was a laugh and a half. A full day of hard labor on August 5 trying to make a good backup of the right database.
GoDaddy migrated my server in order to upgrade MySQL and PHP for me. My IP address has changed.
Mxmsj (talk) 09:04, 6 August 2023 (CEST)