====== What is a Message-ID? ====== A **Message-ID** is a unique alpha-numeric identifier for Usenet posts. If you have the Message-ID, it is relatively easy to find the post in question. Every newsreader will have its own method for displaying the headers of Usenet posts. This tutorial demonstrates how to find the Message-ID using Agent and Advanced Google Group Search. ====== Finding Message-ID using Agent ====== Agent is the newsreader that I use most often for participating in Usenet. ===== Find the post ===== {{:blog:id-01.png|}} ===== Press "h" to view headers ===== {{:blog:id-02.png|}} ====== Advanced Group Search ====== [[http://groups.google.com/advanced_search|Google Groups Search page.]]\\ ===== Enter search terms ===== {{:blog:id-03.png|}} ===== Select a thread ===== {{:blog:id-04.png|}} ===== Select a post ===== {{:blog:id-05.png|}} ===== Select "More options" ===== {{:blog:id-06.png|}} ===== Select "Show original" ===== {{:blog:id-07.png|}} ===== Find Message-ID ===== {{:blog:id-08.png|}}