====== Google Searches vs. Wikipedia ====== |Google searches the entire internet. Note the kind of suggestions made in the drop-down box under the Google input box.\\ [[http://www.google.com/search?q=hvac&sourceid=navclient-ff&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1B3GGGL_enUS300US300|Google search for HVAC]].\\ [[http://www.google.com/search?q=refrigeration|Google search for refrigeration]]| | {{:blog:gw-3.jpg|}} | |Searching for HVAC brings up 17,400,000 web pages plus lots of advertising. The information you want is probably out there somewhere, but it takes a while to browse that many pages.| | {{:blog:gw-4.jpg|}} | |Wikipedia is just one website on the internet. It is designed to give more focused answers than Google. Every suggestion it makes is to another page in Wikipedia| | {{:blog:gw-1.jpg|}} | |Notice the difference in color in the text on Wikipedia. Each blue word or phrase is a link to another part of Wikipedia. This makes it easy to go from [[WP>HVAC]] to [[WP>air-conditioning]].[[WP>refrigeration|Wikipedia article on refrigeration]].| | {{:blog:gw-2.jpg|}} |