**Problem**: can't log into the backend of Joomla to use the administrator functions. Every time I entered my credentials, the page just looped back to the login form, with no error message about a mismatch between username and password. I was, in fact, logged in, but couldn't get passed the login page! [[http://www.pwrusr.com/web-master/cannot-login-to-joomla-backend-as-admin|Answers that worked in the past]] didn't work today. **Dead end:** I spent hours trying to figure out how to repopulate jos_core_acl_aro_map, but it has been replaced by jos_core_acl_groups_aro_map. There was nothing wrong with the access control list at all. m( **Solution**: Change ''var $force_ssl = '1';'' to ''var $force_ssl = '0';'' in //configuration.php//. Others have [[http://forum.joomla.org/viewtopic.php?f=433&t=458713|had the same problem.]] There is a core hack available, but I'm feeling squeamish about taking that approach today.