Table of Contents

The Context

The Problem

Simple Machines Forum (SMF) changed many of its field names in going from version 1 to version 2. This killed the JFusion SMF plugin.

SMF 1.x SMF 2.x

Solution: fix users.php

If there is a proper plugin for my combination of software, I couldn't find it. I decided to bite the bullet and update the field names myself. It seems to be working.


 * file containing user function for the jfusion plugin
 * Hacked by MXM to update field names for SMF 2.0
 * PHP version 5
 * @category   JFusion
 * @package    JFusionPlugins
 * @subpackage SMF1
 * @author     JFusion Team <>
 * @copyright  2008 JFusion. All rights reserved.
 * @license GNU/GPL
 * @link

// no direct access
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');

 * Load the JFusion framework
require_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_jfusion' . DS . 'models' . DS . 'model.jfusion.php';
require_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_jfusion' . DS . 'models' . DS . 'model.abstractuser.php';
require_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_jfusion' . DS . 'models' . DS . 'model.jplugin.php';
 * JFusion User Class for SMF 1.1.x
 * For detailed descriptions on these functions please check the model.abstractuser.php
 * @category   JFusion
 * @package    JFusionPlugins
 * @subpackage SMF1
 * @author     JFusion Team <>
 * @copyright  2008 JFusion. All rights reserved.
 * @license GNU/GPL
 * @link
class JFusionUser_smf extends JFusionUser
     * get user
     * @param object $userinfo holds the new user data
     * @access public
     * @return object
    function &getUser($userinfo)
        //get the identifier
        list($identifier_type, $identifier) = $this->getUserIdentifier($userinfo, 'a.member_name', 'a.email_address');
        // initialise some objects
        $params = JFusionFactory::getParams($this->getJname());
        $db = JFusionFactory::getDatabase($this->getJname());
        $query = 'SELECT a.ID_MEMBER as userid, a.member_name as username, a.real_name as name, a.email_address as email, a.passwd as password, a.password_salt as password_salt, a.validation_code as activation, a.is_activated, null as reason, a.last_login as lastvisit, a.ID_GROUP as group_id ' . 'FROM #__members as a ' . 'WHERE ' . $identifier_type . '=' . $db->Quote($identifier);
        $result = $db->loadObject();
        if ($result) {
            if ($result->group_id == 0) {
                $result->group_name = "Default Usergroup";
            } else {
                $query = 'SELECT group_name FROM #__membergroups WHERE ID_GROUP = ' . (int)$result->group_id;
                $result->group_name = $db->loadResult();
            //Check to see if they are banned
            $query = 'SELECT ID_BAN_GROUP, expire_time FROM #__ban_groups WHERE name= ' . $db->quote($result->username);
            $expire_time = $db->loadObject();
            if ($expire_time) {
                if ($expire_time->expire_time == '' || $expire_time->expire_time > time()) {
                    $result->block = 1;
                } else {
                    $result->block = 0;
            } else {
                $result->block = 0;
            if ($result->is_activated == 1) {
                $result->activation = '';
        return $result;

     * returns the name of this JFusion plugin
     * @return string name of current JFusion plugin
    function getJname()
        return 'smf';

     * delete user
     * @param object $userinfo holds the new user data
     * @access public
     * @return array
    function deleteUser($userinfo)
        //setup status array to hold debug info and errors
        $status = array();
        $status['debug'] = array();
        $status['error'] = array();
        $db = JFusionFactory::getDatabase($this->getJname());
        $query = 'DELETE FROM #__members WHERE member_name = ' . $db->quote($userinfo->username);
        if (!$db->query()) {
            $status['error'][] = JText::_('USER_DELETION_ERROR') . ' ' . $db->stderr();
        } else {
            //update the stats
            $query = 'UPDATE #__settings SET value = value - 1     WHERE variable = \'totalMembers\' ';
            if (!$db->query()) {
                //return the error
                $status['error'][] = JText::_('USER_DELETION_ERROR') . ' ' . $db->stderr();
            $query = 'SELECT MAX(ID_MEMBER) as ID_MEMBER FROM #__members WHERE is_activated = 1';
            $resultID = $db->loadObject();
            if (!$resultID) {
                //return the error
                $status['error'][] = JText::_('USER_DELETION_ERROR') . $db->stderr();
            $query = 'SELECT real_name as name FROM #__members WHERE ID_MEMBER = ' . $db->quote($resultID->ID_MEMBER) . ' LIMIT 1';
            $resultName = $db->loadObject();
            if (!$resultName) {
                //return the error
                $status['error'][] = JText::_('USER_DELETION_ERROR') . $db->stderr();
            $query = 'REPLACE INTO #__settings (variable, value) VALUES (\'latestMember\', ' . $resultID->ID_MEMBER . '), (\'latestRealName\', ' . $db->quote($resultName->name) . ')';
            if (!$db->query()) {
                //return the error
                $status['error'][] = JText::_('USER_DELETION_ERROR') . $db->stderr();
            $status['error'] = false;
            $status['debug'][] = JText::_('USER_DELETION') . ' ' . $userinfo->username;
        return $status;

     * destroy session
     * @param object $userinfo holds the new user data
     * @param array  $options  Status array
     * @access public
     * @return array
    function destroySession($userinfo, $options)
        //        $status = JFusionJplugin::destroySession($userinfo, $options,$this->getJname());
        $params = JFusionFactory::getParams($this->getJname());
        setcookie($params->get('cookie_name'), '', 0, $params->get('cookie_path'), $params->get('cookie_domain'), $params->get('secure'), $params->get('httponly'));
        $status = array();
        return $status;

     * create session
     * @param object $userinfo holds the new user data
     * @param array  $options  options
     * @access public
     * @return array
    function createSession($userinfo, $options)
        //do not create sessions for blocked users
        if (!empty($userinfo->block) || !empty($userinfo->activation)) {
            $status = array();
            $status['error'] = array();
            $status['debug'] = array();
            $status['error'][] = JText::_('FUSION_BLOCKED_USER');
            return $status;
        $status = JFusionJplugin::createSession($userinfo, $options, $this->getJname());
        return $status;

     * filterUsername
     * @param string $username holds the new user data
     * @access public
     * @return string
    function filterUsername($username)
        //no username filtering implemented yet
        return $username;

     * updatePassword
     * @param object $userinfo      holds the new user data
     * @param object &$existinguser holds the exsisting user data
     * @param array  &$status       Status array
     * @access public
     * @return void
    function updatePassword($userinfo, &$existinguser, &$status)
        $existinguser->password = sha1(strtolower($userinfo->username) . $userinfo->password_clear);
        $existinguser->password_salt = substr(md5(rand()), 0, 4);
        $db = JFusionFactory::getDatabase($this->getJname());
        $query = 'UPDATE #__members SET passwd = ' . $db->quote($existinguser->password) . ', password_salt = ' . $db->quote($existinguser->password_salt) . ' WHERE ID_MEMBER  = ' . (int)$existinguser->userid;
        $db = JFusionFactory::getDatabase($this->getJname());
        if (!$db->query()) {
            $status['error'][] = JText::_('PASSWORD_UPDATE_ERROR') . $db->stderr();
        } else {
            $status['debug'][] = JText::_('PASSWORD_UPDATE') . ' ' . substr($existinguser->password, 0, 6) . '********';

     * updateUsername
     * @param object $userinfo      holds the new user data
     * @param object &$existinguser holds the exsisting user data
     * @param array  &$status       Status array
     * @access public
     * @return void
    function updateUsername($userinfo, &$existinguser, &$status)

     * updateEmail
     * @param object $userinfo      holds the new user data
     * @param object &$existinguser holds the exsisting user data
     * @param array  &$status       Status array
     * @access public
     * @return void
    function updateEmail($userinfo, &$existinguser, &$status)
        //we need to update the email
        $db = JFusionFactory::getDatabase($this->getJname());
        $query = 'UPDATE #__members SET email_address =' . $db->quote($userinfo->email) . ' WHERE ID_MEMBER =' . (int)$existinguser->userid;
        if (!$db->query()) {
            $status['error'][] = JText::_('EMAIL_UPDATE_ERROR') . $db->stderr();
        } else {
            $status['debug'][] = JText::_('EMAIL_UPDATE') . ': ' . $existinguser->email . ' -> ' . $userinfo->email;

     * updateUsergroup
     * @param object $userinfo      holds the new user data
     * @param object &$existinguser holds the exsisting user data
     * @param array  &$status       Status array
     * @access public
     * @return void
    function updateUsergroup($userinfo, &$existinguser, &$status)
        $params = JFusionFactory::getParams($this->getJname());
        //get the usergroup and determine if working in advanced or simple mode
        if (substr($params->get('usergroup'), 0, 2) == 'a:') {
            //check to see if we have a group_id in the $userinfo, if not return
            if (!isset($userinfo->group_id)) {
                $status['error'][] = JText::_('GROUP_UPDATE_ERROR') . ": " . JText::_('ADVANCED_GROUPMODE_MASTER_NOT_HAVE_GROUPID');
                return null;
            $usergroups = unserialize($params->get('usergroup'));
            if (isset($usergroups[$userinfo->group_id])) {
                $db = JFusionFactory::getDatabase($this->getJname());
                $query = 'UPDATE #__members SET ID_GROUP =' . $db->quote($usergroups[$userinfo->group_id]) . ' WHERE ID_MEMBER =' . (int)$existinguser->userid;
                if (!$db->query()) {
                    $status['error'][] = JText::_('GROUP_UPDATE_ERROR') . $db->stderr();
                } else {
                    $status['debug'][] = JText::_('GROUP_UPDATE') . ': ' . $existinguser->group_id . ' -> ' . $usergroups[$userinfo->group_id];
        } else {
            $status['error'][] = JText::_('GROUP_UPDATE_ERROR');

     * blockUser
     * @param object $userinfo      holds the new user data
     * @param object &$existinguser holds the exsisting user data
     * @param array  &$status       Status array
     * @access public
     * @return void
    function blockUser($userinfo, &$existinguser, &$status)
        $db = JFusionFactory::getDatabase($this->getJname());
        $ban = new stdClass;
        $ban->ID_BAN_GROUP = null;
        $ban->name = $existinguser->username;
        $ban->ban_time = time();
        $ban->expire_time = null;
        $ban->cannot_access = 1;
        $ban->cannot_register = 0;
        $ban->cannot_post = 0;
        $ban->cannot_login = 0;
        $ban->reason = 'You have been banned from this software. Please contact your site admin for more details';
        //now append the new user data
        if (!$db->insertObject('#__ban_groups', $ban, 'ID_BAN_GROUP')) {
            $status['error'][] = JText::_('BLOCK_UPDATE_ERROR') . $db->stderr();
        $ban_item = new stdClass;
        $ban_item->ID_BAN_GROUP = $ban->ID_BAN_GROUP;
        $ban_item->ID_MEMBER = $existinguser->userid;
        if (!$db->insertObject('#__ban_items', $ban_item, 'ID_BAN')) {
            $status['error'][] = JText::_('BLOCK_UPDATE_ERROR') . $db->stderr();
        } else {
            $status['debug'][] = JText::_('BLOCK_UPDATE') . ': ' . $existinguser->block . ' -> ' . $userinfo->block;

     * unblock user
     * @param object $userinfo      holds the new user data
     * @param object &$existinguser holds the exsisting user data
     * @param array  &$status       Status array
     * @access public
     * @return void
    function unblockUser($userinfo, &$existinguser, &$status)
        $db = JFusionFactory::getDatabase($this->getJname());
        $query = 'DELETE FROM #__ban_groups WHERE name = ' . $db->quote($existinguser->username);
        if (!$db->query()) {
            $status['error'][] = JText::_('BLOCK_UPDATE_ERROR') . $db->stderr();
        $query = 'DELETE FROM #__ban_items WHERE ID_MEMBER = ' . (int)$existinguser->userid;
        if (!$db->query()) {
            $status['error'][] = JText::_('BLOCK_UPDATE_ERROR') . $db->stderr();
        } else {
            $status['debug'][] = JText::_('BLOCK_UPDATE') . ': ' . $existinguser->block . ' -> ' . $userinfo->block;

     * activate user
     * @param object $userinfo      holds the new user data
     * @param object &$existinguser holds the exsisting user data
     * @param array  &$status       Status array
     * @access public
     * @return void
    function activateUser($userinfo, &$existinguser, &$status)
        $db = JFusionFactory::getDatabase($this->getJname());
        $query = 'UPDATE #__members SET is_activated = 1, validation_code = \'\' WHERE ID_MEMBER  = ' . (int)$existinguser->userid;
        if (!$db->query()) {
            $status['error'][] = JText::_('ACTIVATION_UPDATE_ERROR') . $db->stderr();
        } else {
            $status['debug'][] = JText::_('ACTIVATION_UPDATE') . ': ' . $existinguser->activation . ' -> ' . $userinfo->activation;

     * deactivate user
     * @param object $userinfo      holds the new user data
     * @param object &$existinguser holds the exsisting user data
     * @param array  &$status       Status array
     * @access public
     * @return void
    function inactivateUser($userinfo, &$existinguser, &$status)
        $db = JFusionFactory::getDatabase($this->getJname());
        $query = 'UPDATE #__members SET is_activated = 0, validation_code = ' . $db->Quote($userinfo->activation) . ' WHERE ID_MEMBER  = ' . (int)$existinguser->userid;
        if (!$db->query()) {
            $status['error'][] = JText::_('ACTIVATION_UPDATE_ERROR') . $db->stderr();
        } else {
            $status['debug'][] = JText::_('ACTIVATION_UPDATE') . ': ' . $existinguser->activation . ' -> ' . $userinfo->activation;

     * Creates a new user
     * @param object $userinfo holds the new user data
     * @param array  &$status  Status array
     * @access public
     * @return mixed null on fail or array with status
    function createUser($userinfo, &$status)
        //we need to create a new SMF user
        $db = JFusionFactory::getDatabase($this->getJname());
        $params = JFusionFactory::getParams($this->getJname());
        $source_path = $params->get('source_path');
        //get the default user group and determine if we are using simple or advanced
        $usergroups = (substr($params->get('usergroup'), 0, 2) == 'a:') ? unserialize($params->get('usergroup')) : $params->get('usergroup', 18);
        //check to make sure that if using the advanced group mode, $userinfo->group_id exists
        if (is_array($usergroups) && !isset($userinfo->group_id)) {
            $status['error'][] = JText::_('GROUP_UPDATE_ERROR') . ": " . JText::_('ADVANCED_GROUPMODE_MASTER_NOT_HAVE_GROUPID');
            return null;
        //prepare the user variables
        $user = new stdClass;
        $user->ID_MEMBER = null;
        $user->member_name = $userinfo->username;
        $user->real_name = $userinfo->name;
        $user->email_address = $userinfo->email;
        if (isset($userinfo->password_clear)) {
            $user->passwd = sha1(strtolower($userinfo->username) . $userinfo->password_clear);
            $user->password_salt = substr(md5(rand()), 0, 4);
        } else {
            $user->passwd = $userinfo->password;
            if (!isset($userinfo->password_salt)) {
                $user->password_salt = substr(md5(rand()), 0, 4);
            } else {
                $user->password_salt = $userinfo->password_salt;
        $user->posts = 0;
        $user->date_registered = time();
        if ($userinfo->activation) {
            $user->is_activated = 0;
            $user->validation_code = $userinfo->activation;
        } else {
            $user->is_activated = 1;
            $user->validation_code = '';
        $user->personal_text = '';
        $user->pm_email_notify = 1;
        $user->hide_email = 1;
        $user->ID_THEME = 0;
        $user->ID_GROUP = (is_array($usergroups)) ? $usergroups[$userinfo->group_id] : $usergroups;
        $user->ID_POST_GROUP = $params->get('userpostgroup', 4);
        //now append the new user data
        if (!$db->insertObject('#__members', $user, 'ID_MEMBER')) {
            //return the error
            $status['error'] = JText::_('USER_CREATION_ERROR') . ': ' . $db->stderr();
            return $status;
        } else {
            //update the stats
            $query = 'UPDATE #__settings SET value = value + 1     WHERE variable = \'totalMembers\' ';
            if (!$db->query()) {
                //return the error
                $status['error'][] = JText::_('USER_CREATION_ERROR') . $db->stderr();
            $date = strftime('%Y-%m-%d');
            $query = 'UPDATE #__log_activity SET registers = registers + 1 WHERE date = \'' . $date . '\'';
            if (!$db->query()) {
                //return the error
                $status['error'][] = JText::_('USER_CREATION_ERROR') . $db->stderr();
            $query = 'REPLACE INTO #__settings (variable, value) VALUES (\'latestMember\', ' . $user->ID_MEMBER . '), (\'latestRealName\', ' . $db->quote($userinfo->name) . ')';
            if (!$db->query()) {
                //return the error
                $status['error'][] = JText::_('USER_CREATION_ERROR') . $db->stderr();
            //return the good news
            $status['debug'][] = JText::_('USER_CREATION');
            $status['userinfo'] = $this->getUser($userinfo);
            return $status;

     * Keep alive function called by system plugin to keep session alive
     * @access public
     * @return boolean False on Falior
    function keepAlive()
        //retrieve the smf cookie name
        $params = & JFusionFactory::getParams($this->getJname());
        $cookie_name = $params->get('cookie_name');
        $cookie_value = isset($_COOKIE[$cookie_name]) ? $_COOKE[$cookie_name] : '';
        $JUser = & JFactory::getUser();
        if (!$JUser->get('guest', true)) {
            //JError::raiseNotice(0, 'joomla logged in');
            //user logged into Joomla so let's check for an active SMF session
            if (empty($cookie_value)) {
                //JError::raiseNotice(0, 'smf logged out:' . $cookie_name . ','.$cookie_value);
                //no SMF session present.
                //Since we can not recreate it due to license issues, logout from joomla instead
                $mainframe = & JFactory::getApplication('site');
                $session = & JFactory::getSession();
                return 1;
            } else {
                //JError::raiseNotice(0, 'smf logged in:' . $cookie_name . ','.$cookie_value);

        } else {
            //JError::raiseNotice(0, 'joomla logged out');
            if (!empty($cookie_value)) {
                //JError::raiseNotice(0, 'smf logged in:' . $cookie_name . ','.$cookie_value);
                //the user is not logged into Joomla and we have an active SMF session
                //destroy the SMF session
                $params = JFusionFactory::getParams($this->getJname());
                setcookie($params->get('cookie_name'), '', 0, $params->get('cookie_path'), $params->get('cookie_domain'), $params->get('secure'), $params->get('httponly'));
                return 1;
            } else {
                //JError::raiseNotice(0, 'smf logged out:' . $cookie_name . ','.$cookie_value);



Those are the only features I'm using at present. There are other fields in public.php that almost certainly need fixing.

Solution: Fix forum.php


 * file containing forum function for the jfusion plugin
 * MXM hacked.  Half fixed--the half I use.  
 * PHP version 5
 * @category   JFusion
 * @package    JFusionPlugins
 * @subpackage SMF1
 * @author     JFusion Team <>
 * @copyright  2008 JFusion. All rights reserved.
 * @license GNU/GPL
 * @link
// no direct access
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
 * JFusion Forum Class for SMF 1.1.x
 * For detailed descriptions on these functions please check the model.abstractforum.php
 * @category   JFusion
 * @package    JFusionPlugins
 * @subpackage SMF1
 * @author     JFusion Team <>
 * @copyright  2008 JFusion. All rights reserved.
 * @license GNU/GPL
 * @link
class JFusionForum_smf extends JFusionForum

     * returns the name of this JFusion plugin
     * @return string name of current JFusion plugin
    function getJname()
        return 'smf';

     * Get profile url
     * @param int $threadid thread id
     * @return string url
    function getThreadURL($threadid)
        return 'index.php?topic=' . $threadid;

     * Get profile url
     * @param int $threadid thread id
     * @param int $postid   post id
     * @return string url
    function getPostURL($threadid, $postid)
        return 'index.php?topic=' . $threadid . '.msg' . $postid . '#msg' . $postid;

     * Get profile url
     * @param int $uid user id
     * @return string url
    function getProfileURL($uid)
        return 'index.php?action=profile&u=' . $uid;

     * Get pm message url
     * @return string url
    function getPrivateMessageURL()
        return 'index.php?action=pm';

     * Get new message url
     * @return string url
    function getViewNewMessagesURL()
        return 'index.php?action=unread';

     * Get activity queary
     * @param string $usedforums   sting coma seperated with board id's
     * @param string $result_order how to order
     * @param string $result_limit limit
     * @return object
    function getActivityQuery($usedforums, $result_order, $result_limit)
        $where = (!empty($usedforums)) ? ' WHERE a.ID_BOARD IN (' . $usedforums . ')' : '';
        $end = $result_order . " LIMIT 0," . $result_limit;
        $query = array(
        //LAT with first post info
        LAT . '0' => "SELECT a.ID_TOPIC AS threadid, a.ID_LAST_MSG AS postid, b.poster_name AS username, b.ID_MEMBER AS userid, b.subject AS subject, b.poster_time AS dateline FROM `#__topics` as a INNER JOIN `#__messages` as b ON a.ID_FIRST_MSG = b.ID_MSG INNER JOIN `#__messages` AS c ON a.ID_LAST_MSG = c.ID_MSG $where ORDER BY c.poster_time $end",
        //LAT with latest post info
        LAT . '1' => "SELECT a.ID_TOPIC AS threadid, a.ID_LAST_MSG AS postid, c.poster_name AS username, c.ID_MEMBER AS userid, b.subject AS subject, c.poster_time AS dateline FROM `#__topics` as a INNER JOIN `#__messages` as b ON a.ID_FIRST_MSG = b.ID_MSG INNER JOIN `#__messages` AS c ON a.ID_LAST_MSG = c.ID_MSG $where ORDER BY c.poster_time $end", LCT => "SELECT a.ID_TOPIC AS threadid, b.ID_MSG AS postid, b.poster_name AS username, b.ID_MEMBER AS userid, b.subject AS subject, b.body, b.poster_time AS dateline FROM `#__topics` as a INNER JOIN `#__messages` as b ON a.ID_FIRST_MSG = b.ID_MSG $where ORDER BY b.poster_time $end", LCP => "SELECT ID_TOPIC AS threadid, ID_MSG AS postid, poster_name AS username, ID_MEMBER AS userid, subject AS subject, body, poster_time AS dateline FROM `#__messages` " . str_replace('a.ID_BOARD', 'id_board', $where) . " ORDER BY poster_time $end");
        return $query;

	 * Filter forums from a set of results sent in / useful if the plugin needs to restrict the forums visible to a user
	 * @param array $results set of results from query
	 * @param int   $limit   limit results parameter as set in the module's params; used for plugins that cannot limit using a query limiter
    function filterActivityResults(&$results, $limit=0)
		$db =& JFusionFactory::getDatabase($this->getJname());
		$query = "SELECT value FROM #__settings WHERE variable='censor_vulgar'";
		$vulgar = $db->loadResult();

		$db =& JFusionFactory::getDatabase($this->getJname());
		$query = "SELECT value FROM #__settings WHERE variable='censor_proper'";
		$proper = $db->loadResult();

		$vulgar = explode  ( ',' , $vulgar );
		$proper = explode  ( ',' , $proper );

        foreach($results as $rkey => $result) {
            foreach( $vulgar as $key => $value ) {
                $results[$rkey]->subject = preg_replace  ( '#\b'.$value.'\b#is' , $proper[$key]  , $result->subject );
                $results[$rkey]->body = preg_replace  ( '#\b'.$value.'\b#is' , $proper[$key]  , $result->body );

     * Get gorum list
     * @return object
    function getForumList()
        // initialise some objects
        $db = JFusionFactory::getDatabase($this->getJname());
        $query = 'SELECT id_board as id, name FROM #__boards';
        //getting the results
        return $db->loadObjectList();

     * Get avatar
     * @param int $userid user id
     * @return array number of unread and total messages
    function getPrivateMessageCounts($userid)
        if ($userid) {
            // initialise some objects
            $db = JFusionFactory::getDatabase($this->getJname());
            // read unread count
            $db->setQuery('SELECT unread_messages FROM #__members WHERE ID_MEMBER = ' . $userid);
            $unreadCount = $db->loadResult();
            // read total pm count
            $db->setQuery('SELECT instant_messages FROM #__members WHERE ID_MEMBER = ' . $userid);
            $totalCount = $db->loadResult();
            return array('unread' => $unreadCount, 'total' => $totalCount);
        return array('unread' => 0, 'total' => 0);

     * Get avatar
     * @param int $puser_id user id
     * @return string url of avatar
    function getAvatar($puser_id)
        if ($puser_id) {
            // Get SMF Params and get an instance of the database
            $params = JFusionFactory::getParams($this->getJname());
            $db = JFusionFactory::getDatabase($this->getJname());
            // Load member params from database "mainly to get the avatar"
            $db->setQuery('SELECT * FROM #__members WHERE ID_MEMBER=' . $puser_id);
            $result = $db->loadObject();
            if (!empty($result)) {
                $url = '';
                // SMF has a wierd way of holding attachments. Get instance of the attachments table
                $db->setQuery('SELECT * FROM #__attachments WHERE id_member=' . $puser_id);
                $attachment = $db->loadObject();
                // See if the user has a specific attachment ment for an avatar
                if (!empty($attachment) && $attachment->ID_THUMB == 0 && $attachment->ID_MSG == 0 && empty($result->avatar)) {
                    $url = $params->get('source_url') . 'index.php?action=dlattach;attach=' . $attachment->ID_ATTACH . ';type=avatar';
                    // If user didnt, check to see if the avatar specified in the first query is a url. If so use it.

                } else if (preg_match("/http(s?):\/\//", $result->avatar)) {
                    $url = $result->avatar;
                } else if ($result->avatar) {
                    // If the avatar specified in the first query is not a url but is a file name. Make it one
                    $db->setQuery('SELECT * FROM #__settings WHERE variable = "avatar_url"');
                    $avatarurl = $db->loadObject();
                    // Check for trailing slash. If there is one DONT ADD ONE!
                    if (substr($avatarurl->value, -1) == DS) {
                        $url = $avatarurl->value . $result->avatar;
                        // I like redundancy. Recheck to see if there isnt a trailing slash. If there isnt one, add one.

                    } else if (substr($avatarurl->value, -1) !== DS) {
                        $url = $avatarurl->value . "/" . $result->avatar;
                return $url;

     * Creates new thread and posts first post
     * @param object &$dbparams    with discussion bot parameters
     * @param object &$contentitem object containing content information
     * @param int    $forumid      Id of forum to create thread
     * @param array  &$status      contains errors and status of actions
     * @return void
    function createThread(&$dbparams, &$contentitem, $forumid, &$status)
        //setup some variables
        $userid = $this->getThreadAuthor($dbparams, $contentitem);
        $firstPost = $dbparams->get("first_post");
        $jdb = & JFusionFactory::getDatabase($this->getJname());
        $subject = trim(strip_tags($contentitem->title));
        //set what should be posted as the first post
        if ($firstPost == "articleLink") {
            //create link
            $forumText = $dbparams->get("first_post_link_text");
            if ($dbparams->get("first_post_link_type") == 'image') {
                $forumText = "<img src='$forumText'>";
            $text = $this->prepareText(JFusionFunction::createJoomlaArticleURL($contentitem, $forumText));
        } elseif ($firstPost == "articleIntro") {
            //prepare the text for posting
            $text = $this->prepareText($contentitem->introtext . "<br /><br />");
            //create link
            $forumText = $dbparams->get("first_post_link_text");
            if ($dbparams->get("first_post_link_type") == 'image') {
                $forumText = "<img src='$forumText'>";
            $text.= $this->prepareText(JFusionFunction::createJoomlaArticleURL($contentitem, $forumText));
        } else {
            //prepare the text for posting
            $text = $this->prepareText($contentitem->introtext . $contentitem->fulltext);
        //the user information
        $query = "SELECT member_name, email_address FROM #__members WHERE ID_MEMBER = '$userid'";
        $smfUser = $jdb->loadObject();
        $timestamp = $dbparams->get('use_content_created_date', false) ? JFactory::getDate($contentitem->created)->toUnix() : JFactory::getDate()->toUnix();
        $topic_row = new stdClass();
        $topic_row->isSticky = 0;
        $topic_row->id_board = $forumid;
        $topic_row->ID_FIRST_MSG = $topic_row->ID_LAST_MSG = 0;
        $topic_row->ID_MEMBER_STARTED = $topic_row->ID_MEMBER_UPDATED = $userid;
        $topic_row->ID_POLL = 0;
        $topic_row->numReplies = 0;
        $topic_row->numViews = 0;
        $topic_row->locked = 0;
        if (!$jdb->insertObject('#__topics', $topic_row, 'ID_TOPIC')) {
            $status['error'] = $jdb->stderr();
        $topicid = $jdb->insertid();
        $post_row = new stdClass();
        $post_row->ID_BOARD = $forumid;
        $post_row->ID_TOPIC = $topicid;
        $post_row->poster_time = $timestamp;
        $post_row->ID_MEMBER = $userid;
        $post_row->subject = $subject;
        $post_row->poster_name = $smfUser->member_name;
        $post_row->posterEmail = $smfUser->email_address;
        $post_row->posterIP = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
        $post_row->smileysEnabled = 1;
        $post_row->modifiedTime = 0;
        $post_row->modifiedName = '';
        $post_row->body = $text;
        $post_row->icon = 'xx';
        if (!$jdb->insertObject('#__messages', $post_row, 'ID_MSG')) {
            $status['error'] = $jdb->stderr();
        $postid = $jdb->insertid();
        $post_row = new stdClass();
        $post_row->ID_MSG = $postid;
        $post_row->ID_MSG_MODIFIED = $postid;
        if (!$jdb->updateObject('#__messages', $post_row, 'ID_MSG')) {
            $status['error'] = $jdb->stderr();
        $topic_row = new stdClass();
        $topic_row->ID_FIRST_MSG = $postid;
        $topic_row->ID_LAST_MSG = $postid;
        $topic_row->ID_TOPIC = $topicid;
        if (!$jdb->updateObject('#__topics', $topic_row, 'ID_TOPIC')) {
            $status['error'] = $jdb->stderr();
        $forum_stats = new stdClass();
        $forum_stats->id_board = $forumid;
        $query = "SELECT m.poster_time FROM #__messages AS m INNER JOIN #__boards AS b ON b.ID_LAST_MSG = m.ID_MSG WHERE b.ID_BOARD = $forumid";
        $lastPostTime = (int)$jdb->loadResult();
        if ($dbparams->get('use_content_created_date', false)) {
            //only update the last post for the board if it really is newer
            $updateLastPost = ($timestamp > $lastPostTime) ? true : false;
        } else {
            $updateLastPost = true;
        if ($updateLastPost) {
            $forum_stats->ID_LAST_MSG = $postid;
            $forum_stats->ID_MSG_UPDATED = $postid;
        $query = "SELECT numTopics, numPosts FROM #__boards WHERE ID_BOARD = $forumid";
        $num = $jdb->loadObject();
        $forum_stats->numPosts = $num->numPosts + 1;
        $forum_stats->numTopics = $num->numTopics + 1;
        if (!$jdb->updateObject('#__boards', $forum_stats, 'ID_BOARD')) {
            $status['error'] = $jdb->stderr();
        $query = "INSERT INTO #__log_topics SET ID_MEMBER = $userid, ID_TOPIC = $topicid, ID_MSG = $postid";
        if (!$jdb->query()) {
            $status['error'] = $jdb->stderr();
        if (!empty($topicid) && !empty($postid)) {
            //save the threadid to the lookup table
            JFusionFunction::updateForumLookup($contentitem->id, $forumid, $topicid, $postid, $this->getJname());

     * Updates information in a specific thread/post
     * @param object &$dbparams       with discussion bot parameters
     * @param object &$existingthread with existing thread info
     * @param object &$contentitem    object containing content information
     * @param array  &$status         contains errors and status of actions
     * @return void
    function updateThread(&$dbparams, &$existingthread, &$contentitem, &$status)
        $threadid = & $existingthread->threadid;
        $forumid = & $existingthread->forumid;
        $postid = & $existingthread->postid;
        //setup some variables
        $firstPost = $dbparams->get("first_post");
        $jdb = & JFusionFactory::getDatabase($this->getJname());
        $subject = trim(strip_tags($contentitem->title));
        //set what should be posted as the first post
        if ($firstPost == "articleLink") {
            //create link
            $forumText = $dbparams->get("first_post_link_text");
            if ($dbparams->get("first_post_link_type") == 'image') {
                $forumText = "<img src='$forumText'>";
            $text = $this->prepareText(JFusionFunction::createJoomlaArticleURL($contentitem, $forumText));
        } elseif ($firstPost == "articleIntro") {
            //prepare the text for posting
            $text = $this->prepareText($contentitem->introtext . "<br /><br />");
            //create link
            $forumText = $dbparams->get("first_post_link_text");
            if ($dbparams->get("first_post_link_type") == 'image') {
                $forumText = "<img src='$forumText'>";
            $text.= $this->prepareText(JFusionFunction::createJoomlaArticleURL($contentitem, $forumText));
        } else {
            //prepare the text for posting
            $text = $this->prepareText($contentitem->introtext . $contentitem->fulltext);
        $timestamp = JFactory::getDate()->toUnix();
        $userid = $dbparams->get('default_user');
        $query = "SELECT member_name FROM #__members WHERE ID_MEMBER = '$userid'";
        $smfUser = $jdb->loadObject();
        $post_row = new stdClass();
        $post_row->subject = $subject;
        $post_row->body = $text;
        $post_row->modifiedTime = $timestamp;
        $post_row->modifiedName = $smfUser->member_name;
        $post_row->ID_MSG_MODIFIED = $postid;
        $post_row->ID_MSG = $postid;
        if (!$jdb->updateObject('#__messages', $post_row, 'ID_MSG')) {
            $status['error'] = $jdb->stderr();
        } else {
            //update the lookup table
            JFusionFunction::updateForumLookup($contentitem->id, $forumid, $threadid, $postid, $this->getJname());

     * Returns HTML of a quick reply
     * @param object  &$dbparams       with discussion bot parameters
     * @param boolean $showGuestInputs toggles whether to show guest inputs or not
     * @return string of html
    function createQuickReply(&$dbparams, $showGuestInputs)
        $html = '';
        if ($showGuestInputs) {
            $username = JRequest::getVar('guest_username', '', 'post');
            $email = JRequest::getVar('guest_email', '', 'post');
            $html.= "<table><tr><td>" . JText::_('USERNAME') . ":</td><td><input name='guest_username' value='$username' class='inputbox'/></td></tr>";
            $html.= "<tr><td>" . JText::_('EMAIL') . "</td><td><input name='guest_email' value='$email' class='inputbox'/></td></tr>";
            $html.= $this->createCaptcha($dbparams);
            $html.= "</table><br>";
        $quickReply = JRequest::getVar('quickReply', '', 'post');
        $html.= "<textarea name='quickReply' class='inputbox'>$quickReply</textarea><br>";
        $html.= "<div style='width:100%; text-align:right;'><input type='submit' value='" . JText::_('SUBMIT') . "'/></div>";
        return $html;

     * Creates a post from the quick reply
     * @param object &$dbparams    with discussion bot parameters
     * @param object &$ids         stdClass with thread id ($ids->threadid) and first post id ($ids->postid)
     * @param object &$contentitem object of content item
     * @param object &$userinfo    object info of the forum user
     * @return array with status
    function createPost(&$dbparams, &$ids, &$contentitem, &$userinfo)
        $status = array();
        $status["error"] = false;
        if ($userinfo->guest) {
            $userinfo->username = JRequest::getVar('guest_username', '', 'POST');
            $userinfo->email = JRequest::getVar('guest_email', '', 'POST');
            $userinfo->userid = 0;
            $pattern = "^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,3})$";
            if (empty($userinfo->username) || empty($userinfo->email) || !eregi($pattern, $userinfo->email)) {
                $status['error'][] = JTEXT::_('GUEST_FIELDS_MISSING');
                return $status;
            } else {
                $db = & JFusionFactory::getDatabase($this->getJname());
                $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #__members " . " WHERE member_name = " . $db->Quote($userinfo->username) . " OR member_name = " . $db->Quote($userinfo->email) . " OR realName = " . $db->Quote($userinfo->username) . " OR realName = " . $db->Quote($userinfo->email) . " OR LOWER(email_address) = " . strtolower($db->Quote($userinfo->username)) . " OR LOWER(email_address) = " . strtolower($db->Quote($userinfo->email));
                $result = $db->loadResult();
                if (!empty($result)) {
                    $status["error"][] = JText::_('USERNAME_IN_USE');
                    return $status;
        //setup some variables
        $userid = $userinfo->userid;
        $jdb = & JFusionFactory::getDatabase($this->getJname());
        $text = JRequest::getVar('quickReply', false, 'POST');
        if (!empty($text)) {
            $text = $this->prepareText($text);
            //get some topic information
            $where = "WHERE t.ID_TOPIC = {$ids->threadid} AND m.ID_MSG = t.ID_FIRST_MSG";
            $query = "SELECT t.ID_FIRST_MSG , t.numReplies, m.subject FROM `#__messages` as m INNER JOIN `#__topics` as t ON t.ID_TOPIC = m.ID_TOPIC $where";
            $topic = $jdb->loadObject();
            //the user information
            if ($userinfo->guest) {
                $smfUser = new stdClass();
                $smfUser->member_name = $userinfo->username;
                $smfUser->email_address = $userinfo->email;
            } else {
                $query = "SELECT member_name,email_address FROM #__members WHERE ID_MEMBER = '$userid'";
                $smfUser = $jdb->loadObject();
            $timestamp = JFactory::getDate()->toUnix();
            $post_row = new stdClass();
            $post_row->ID_BOARD = $ids->forumid;
            $post_row->ID_TOPIC = $ids->threadid;
            $post_row->poster_time = $timestamp;
            $post_row->ID_MEMBER = $userid;
            $post_row->subject = 'Re: ' . $topic->subject;
            $post_row->poster_name = $smfUser->memberName;
            $post_row->posterEmail = $smfUser->emailAddress;
            $post_row->posterIP = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
            $post_row->smileysEnabled = 1;
            $post_row->modifiedTime = 0;
            $post_row->modifiedName = '';
            $post_row->body = $text;
            $post_row->icon = 'xx';
            if (!$jdb->insertObject('#__messages', $post_row, 'ID_MSG')) {
                $status['error'] = $jdb->stderr();
                return $status;
            $postid = $jdb->insertid();
            $post_row = new stdClass();
            $post_row->ID_MSG = $postid;
            $post_row->ID_MSG_MODIFIED = $postid;
            if (!$jdb->updateObject('#__messages', $post_row, 'ID_MSG')) {
                $status['error'] = $jdb->stderr();
            //store the postid
            $status['postid'] = $postid;
            $topic_row = new stdClass();
            $topic_row->ID_LAST_MSG = $postid;
            $topic_row->ID_MEMBER_UPDATED = (int)$userid;
            $topic_row->numReplies = $topic->numReplies + 1;
            $topic_row->ID_TOPIC = $ids->threadid;
            if (!$jdb->updateObject('#__topics', $topic_row, 'ID_TOPIC')) {
                $status['error'] = $jdb->stderr();
            $forum_stats = new stdClass();
            $forum_stats->ID_LAST_MSG = $postid;
            $forum_stats->ID_MSG_UPDATED = $postid;
            $query = "SELECT numPosts FROM #__boards WHERE ID_BOARD = {$ids->forumid}";
            $num = $jdb->loadObject();
            $forum_stats->numPosts = $num->numPosts + 1;
            $forum_stats->ID_BOARD = $ids->forumid;
            if (!$jdb->updateObject('#__boards', $forum_stats, 'ID_BOARD')) {
                $status['error'] = $jdb->stderr();
        return $status;

     * Retrieves the posts to be displayed in the content item if enabled
     * @param object &$dbparams       with discussion bot parameters
     * @param object &$existingthread info about thread
     * @return array or object Returns retrieved posts
    function getPosts(&$dbparams, &$existingthread)
        $threadid = & $existingthread->threadid;
        $postid = & $existingthread->postid;
        //set the query
        $sort = $dbparams->get("sort_posts");
        $where = "WHERE ID_TOPIC = {$threadid} AND ID_MSG != {$postid}";
        $query = "SELECT ID_TOPIC , ID_MSG, poster_name, ID_MEMBER, CASE WHEN ID_MEMBER = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS guest, subject, poster_time, body FROM `#__messages` $where ORDER BY poster_time $sort";
        $jdb = & JFusionFactory::getDatabase($this->getJname());
        if ($dbparams->get('enable_pagination', true)) {
            $application = JFactory::getApplication();
            $limitstart = JRequest::getInt('limitstart', 0);
            $limit = $application->getUserStateFromRequest('global.list.limit', 'limit', 14, 'int');
            $jdb->setQuery($query, $limitstart, $limit);
        } else {
            $limit_posts = $dbparams->get('limit_posts');
            $query.= empty($limit_posts) || trim($limit_posts) == 0 ? "" : " LIMIT 0,$limit_posts";
        $posts = $jdb->loadObjectList();
        return $posts;

     * get number of replyes
     * @param object &$existingthread info about exsisting thread
     * @return object
    function getReplyCount(&$existingthread)
        $db = & JFusionFactory::getDatabase($this->getJname());
        $query = "SELECT numReplies FROM #__topics WHERE ID_TOPIC = {$existingthread->threadid}";
        $result = $db->loadResult();
        return $result;

     * Returns an object of columns used in createPostTable()
     * Saves from having to repeat the same code over and over for each plugin
     * For example:
     * $columns->userid = "userid";
     * $columns->username = "username";
     * $columns->username_clean = "username_clean"; //if applicable for filtered usernames
     * $columns->dateline = "dateline";
     * $columns->posttext = "pagetext";
     * $columns->posttitle = "title";
     * $columns->postid = "postid";
     * $columns->threadid = "threadid";
     * @return object with column names
    function getDiscussionColumns()
        $columns = new stdClass();
        $columns->userid = "ID_MEMBER";
        $columns->username = "poster_name";
        $columns->dateline = "poster_time";
        $columns->posttext = "body";
        $columns->posttitle = "subject";
        $columns->postid = "ID_MSG";
        $columns->threadid = "ID_TOPIC";
        $columns->guest = "guest";
        return $columns;

     * Prepares text before saving to db or presentint to joomla article
     * @param string  $text             Text to be modified
     * @param boolean $prepareForJoomla boolean to indicate if the text is to be saved to software's db or presented in joomla article
     * @return string Modified text
    function prepareText($text, $prepareForJoomla = false)
        static $bbcode;
        if ($prepareForJoomla === false) {
            //first thing is to remove all joomla plugins
            preg_match_all('/\{(.*)\}/U', $text, $matches);
            //find each thread by the id
            foreach ($matches[1] AS $plugin) {
                //replace plugin with nothing
                $text = str_replace('{' . $plugin . '}', "", $text);
            if (!is_array($bbcode)) {
                $bbcode = array();
                //pattens to run in begening
                $bbcode[0][] = "#<a[^>]*href=['|\"](ftp://)(.*?)['|\"][^>]*>(.*?)</a>#si";
                $bbcode[1][] = "[ftp=$1$2]$3[/ftp]";
                //pattens to run in end
                $bbcode[2][] = '#<table[^>]*>(.*?)<\/table>#si';
                $bbcode[3][] = '[table]$1[/table]';
                $bbcode[2][] = '#<tr[^>]*>(.*?)<\/tr>#si';
                $bbcode[3][] = '[tr]$1[/tr]';
                $bbcode[2][] = '#<td[^>]*>(.*?)<\/td>#si';
                $bbcode[3][] = '[td]$1[/td]';
                $bbcode[2][] = '#<strong[^>]*>(.*?)<\/strong>#si';
                $bbcode[3][] = '[b]$1[/b]';
                $bbcode[2][] = '#<(strike|s)>(.*?)<\/\\1>#sim';
                $bbcode[3][] = '[s]$2[/s]';
            $options = array();
            $options['bbcode_patterns'] = $bbcode;
            $text = JFusionFunction::parseCode($text, 'bbcode', $options);
        } else {
            //convert smilies so they show up in Joomla as images
            static $smiley_search, $smiley_replace;
            if (!is_array($smiley_search)) {
                $smiley_search = $smiley_replace = array();
                $db = & JFusionFactory::getDatabase($this->getJname());
                $query = "SELECT value, variable FROM #__settings WHERE variable = 'smileys_url' OR variable = 'smiley_sets_default'";
                $settings = $db->loadObjectList('variable');
                $query = "SELECT code, filename FROM #__smileys ORDER BY smileyOrder";
                $smilies = $db->loadObjectList();
                if (!empty($smilies)) {
                    foreach ($smilies as $s) {
                        $alt = JFusionFunction::strtoascii($s->code);
                        //$smiley_search[] = "/(?<![\\w])(" . preg_quote("{$s->code}",'/') . ")(?![\\w])/";
                        $smiley_search[] = '/(?<=[>:\?\.\s[\]()*\\\;]|^)(' . preg_quote($s->code, '/') . '|' . preg_quote(htmlspecialchars($s->code, ENT_QUOTES), '/') . ')(?=[^[:alpha:]0-9]|$)/';
                        $smiley_replace[] = "<img src='{$settings['smileys_url']->value}/{$settings['smiley_sets_default']->value}/{$s->filename}' alt='{$alt}' />";
            if (!empty($smiley_search)) {
                $text = preg_replace($smiley_search, $smiley_replace, $text);
            //parse bbcode to html
            $options = array();
            $options['parse_smileys'] = false;
            $text = JFusionFunction::parseCode($text, 'html', $options);
        return $text;

     * get info about a thread
     * @param int $threadid thread id
     * @return object
    function getThread($threadid)
        $db = & JFusionFactory::getDatabase($this->getJname());
        $query = "SELECT ID_TOPIC AS threadid, ID_BOARD AS forumid, ID_FIRST_MSG AS postid FROM #__topics WHERE ID_TOPIC = $threadid";
        $results = $db->loadObject();
        return $results;
