A strange thing just happened. A popup window asked me to tell it what kind of network "Network 4" is. Beats me. I'm not conscious of asking to install a new network. ====== Seeing two networks ====== **So I look at the Control Panel/Network and Sharing center** (12:56 PM) {{:cc:2009-10-08_1256.png|}} **As you can see, I have "Network 4" and "Network" showing on my system:** {{:cc:2009-10-08_1257.png|}} **If I view the status of "Network 4" ...** {{:cc:2009-10-08_1257_001.png|}} **... and click on "Details" ...** {{:cc:2009-10-08_1258.png|}} **... then do the same for "Network" ...** {{:cc:2009-10-08_1258_001.png|}} **... and look at its details ...** {{:cc:2009-10-08_1259.png|}} **... they are identical.** ====== So I called the helpdesk ====== Talked with Mark Hammersmith. "Network 4" is a term familiar to him. ====== Then I rebooted ====== And now I'm back to one Network (1:29 PM). Login went OK. I'm feeling much better already. {{:cc:2009-10-08_1326.png|}} //Whassup?// [[moleski@canisius.edu]]