====== Day 6 ====== Beautiful morning! No wind, perfect sunny day. Bed sucked! Had coffee ie, "breakfast" ,and we went into town to wash dust off car and get gas. Stopped at Redneck gas fill up, where station man immediately started in on Renee for wiping water off mirrors and windows. He then proceeded to tell about his wife and how she points out bugs on his windshield and how he wants to dump her. (like all women). He assumed we were going to Vegas. Once Renee corrected him on who wanted to wash the car, he immediately switched from women hating tirade to how Dave was doing a half assed job on the wash and half finishing a job when he didn't screw on the gas cap immediately. A very pleasant stop. :-) Drove to the Grand Canyon (50 miles), Amazing views! Truly Huge! Things on the bottom seem almost microscopic. We can't imagine the chaos of busy season on the rinky dink road system. Quite cool breezes and blazing sun. We walked the rim about a mile and we could hear someone shouting and laughing, didn't give it much thought. Until about half mile later we encountered the truly unbalanced lunatic sitting on a pointy ledge and laughing loudly and hysterically over and over. He was also yelling "Time to go now" and "I could jump" while hanging from the ledge. When he said "time to go now", Dave agreed and we went to look for a ranger to report the guy. 1.5 mile walk out of our way and ranger station is unmanned on one of the busiest days of the week. We head back to the rim walk trail and just as we get there, nutjob comes at us asking for a light, we told him we don't smoke, and as he passed he repeated our answer. We heard him asking the couple after us if they could get him some smokes. The whole way out of the park, no rangers were to be seen. Stopped at Econolodge, and did laundry. |[[day1|Day 1]]|[[day4|Day 4]]|[[day7|Day 7]]| |[[day2|Day 2]]|[[day5|Day 5]]|[[day8|Day 8]]| |[[day3|Day 3]]|[[day6|Day 6]]|[[day9|Day 9]]|