====== /etc ====== ===== /etc/hosts ===== Current version: # The first line should be left alone. It seems # to be an important default. MXM, SJ localhost localhost.localdomain # # The name of our machine (lamentably) is "tighar". # The fully qualified domain name of the machine # is tighar.tighar.org # tighar.tighar.org ti ghar ===== /etc/logwatch/conf/logwatch.conf ===== What reports should be made to root@tighar.org? Default configuration: /usr/share/logwatch/default.conf/logwatch.conf MailFrom = root ===== /etc/mailname ===== According to mailname(5), the /etc/mailname file should contain the “the visible mail name of the system” and is usually used by “programs that wish to send or relay mail, and need to know the name of the system.” More specifically: *The file contains only one line describing the fully qualified domain name that the program wishing to get the mail name should use (that is, everything after the @). We don't have this file on our system. If we have troubles with sendmail, it's something we might try. ===== /etc/passwd ===== A list of users who can log into the linux system (SSH/SFTP). ====== /var/log ====== Apache: /var/log/httpd/error_log /var/log/httpd/access MySQL: /var/log/mysqld.log logins: /var/log/secure qmail: /var/log/qmail/current -- records e-mail traffic sent through system /var/log/qmail/smtpd/current -- smtp connections dovecot: /var/log/dovecot -- IMAP and POP3 connections syslog: /var/log/messages -- information and errors cron: /var/log/cron cron rotates logs at 4:56 AM each day ====== STD files ====== Every process has a minimum of three standard streams associated with it: | STDIN|0| | STDOUT|1| | STDERR|2| \\ The numbers associated with these STD file streams often appear in command lines. ''2>&1'' says "redirect the output for STDERR to wherever the output for STDOUT is going."