Wing and Rotor Model Flying Club Pre-Start Checklist for a New Airplane 1. Items to pack for first day at field: A. Hat B. Sunglasses C. [Optional] Sun Screen . . . . . [Optional] Chair . . . . . [Optional] Beverages D. Glow Driver (charged) E. Glow Plug(s) F. [Optional] Electric Starter (charged) G. Chicken Stick H. Assorted wrenches and screwdrivers required for engine and airframe I. Nails, pegs, or other device or devices to restrain the airplane when starting J. [Recommended] First Aid kit K. Cleanup materials (towel or rags or Scott towels; Windex...) 2. Gas lines: a. Not pinched or kinked B. Connected properly (clunk line to carb, breather line to muffler) 3. Engine: A. Mounted securely (to mount and to firewall) B. All bolts tight (carb, head, backplate, muffler, glow plug) 4. Propellor: A. Tightened B. Balanced C. Tips painted (recommended for safety) D. Edges dulled 5. Batteries charged for 14 to 24 hours A. TX--check voltmeter on unit B. RX--check with loaded voltmeter (above 4.8 volts under load) C. Starter D. Glow-driver 6. Check all flight structures: A. Wing joint (kind of glue used? reinforced properly?) B. Stab joint C. Fin joint D. No warp in wing or stabilizer E. Hinges glued in F. Control horns securely fastened G. Controls at proper neutral position: 1) Ailerons 2) Elevator 3) Rudder 4) Throttle: idles with trim switch up, dies with trim switch down H. Wheel collars tightened (preferably with flat spots ground on axle) 7. Fresh or properly stored fuel 8. Foam rubber around: A. Tank B. Receiver C. Batteries 9. Batteries and fuel tank held firmly in place 10. Antenna strung correctly 11. Pushrods: A. All clevises snapped shut, preferably with safety tubing B. Sufficient threading inserted at ends of nyrods 12. CHECK FOR CONFLICTING RADIO FREQUENCIES BEFORE TURNING ON TRANSMITTER A. Preliminary range check B. Trim switches set to neutral C. Correct direction for controls when viewed from rear of plane: 1) Aileron (left stick makes left aileron go UP; right stick, right UP) 2) Elevator 3) Rudder 4) Nose Wheel D. Correct range of throw on flight surfaces 13. Servos: A. No binding in servo linkages or control horns B. Examine servos for set screws C. No slop in pushrods (supported properly) D. Capable of turning off engine E. No interference between servo arms and servo leads F. No metal-to-metal connections G. Servo tray securely fastened or glued 14. Wing attachment: A. Sufficient number of rubber bands B. Nylon bolts at correct torsion (tight, not over-stressed) C. No interference from bolts, servos, pushrods, or wires when wing is installed 15. Center of Gravity within bounds 16. Range check with engine running Compiled by Marty Moleski, SJ (716) 888-2383