Gerald B. Gallagher       

1229259 WPHC 9/II F.49/26 Gallagher, G.B. (deceased):-
Claims against the estate of.

Last paper 3597/1936 (S. of S.). See also main files.

Last entry: 2nd October 1945, GS Barrack pays the
Hercules Cotton Company in Sydney, Australia. It
took him 5 years and many letters to collect
his 29-2-10.

The estate got charged for GBG's mess bill from his last
trip on the Viti in 1941.

H.E. Maude was the administrator of the estate
(30 May 1945) according to D.C. McKee.

24 September 1944 "Constable Esele makes a claim for the
Gilbertese canoe on the grounds that five months before
his death Mr. Gallagher said to him these words, "When
I leave the Colony you shall have this canoe" of course
this is no legal claim, but meanwhile the canoe referred
to is in the boat shed on Gardner Island awaiting disposal.
The Ellice type canoe was given to Aram in trust for his son
BENATI who was a kind of God-son of the deceased."

Last minute: C.A.? ARPPKC. AS(G) 8.4.48

Two lines below, initials or abbreviation that I can't decipher.