TIGHAR Bones Search II
David Winn Hoodless, MD (died ~1955)
- Founding Tutor, later Principal of Central Medical School / Fiji School of Medicine.
- Was originally supposed to retire 31 May 1942.
- 20 Aug 1943: VWTMcG wants an Assistant Principal.
It is a near-constant theme in any of the letters
he writes about Hoodless' retirment. He wanted
to remedy the "defect of having one man responsible
for most of the teaching and all of the administration
and discipline." Hoped that DWH would retire in 1944.
- VWTMGc was celebrated in Time Magazine for having "complete charge of the school" since 1939. There wasn't a syllable about
Hoodless in the piece!
- Stayed on as acting director until 1 Feb 47.
- Succeeded by A. S. Frater, who had been a prisoner during the war and who died unexpectedly.
- Went to Tarawa to give a doctor relief,
November 1948.
- 1953: Second trip to the Gilberts.
- Died 15 April 1955 or 1956 in England. His wife had problems
proving that he was a Fiji citizen. He
is buried in Britain.
- Hilda Hoodless died Dec 31, 1956.
- We did not find any of Dr. Hoodless students. The 1999 team interviewed Ratu Mara.
- Hoodless' daughter, Margaret Guthrie, has been asked about
the box of bones. She does not
know anything about them. They
were not in her father's estate. She says she is familiar with his papers and that there are no references in them, either.
- "Intelligent and good" (Ron Gatty).