- Came to Fiji in 1952.
- Served at TB hospital in Tamavua 1952-1978.
- (Not the hospital with the tunnels?)
- Fr B: "It was called the house of death when he came and the house of life by the time he retired."
- Married the head of the nursing staff. His wife died circa 1988-1989.
- He had one lung all his life and may have had TB himself (Nairne).
- Best friend of Verrier.
- Verrier was best man at Murphy's wedding.
- Fr. Michael Bransfield, SM (born ~1926; Society of Mary = Marists) took us to meet Murphy at his bungalow near Loloma
Beach in Teuba.
- Bransfield came to Fiji in October, 1951.
- Murphy was incapable of coherent speech. He died in 2004 (?).
- Leila, the housekeeper, served us lunch, then brought out all of the boxes in the house.
Contents of Francis Ivor Fleming's box--"the box of the dying man" (1968)
- On the way home, we visited Bob Nairne, who told us the story of the seaman's chest and the two flags.
- Came to Fiji in 1976.
- Banker in Africa and England first.
- Retired at age 48. At age 50, did a feasibility study in Fiji. Then came here for 5 years to work on the project for British Aid. The co-op he founded is still going strong. Two men he recruited are still working there 25 years later.
- Flag story: Fleming was a patient of Murphy's at the TB hospital. Murphy looked for someone to give it to for years, without success.
- Visited Gilchrist every day during his last days.
Denise Murphy
- Thought her father had the sextant box. Worries that Noonan's box may have been stolen during unrest during coup in 1999 (?).
- Told a story of the bones being delivered to Gilchrist at FSM by Captain Brown.
Molly Murphy (lives in Nadi); married to Nick Rag; she was publicity director for the airport
- Denise thought that Molly might have taken Fred's sextant box.
- Molly's sextant box had a sextant in it. She said it was from Hughson of
London, not just an empty, weather-beaten case. She
does not remember her father having any other sextant boxes in the house. - Molly has read the manuscript of Amelia's Shoes. Other than things she has heard from Denise, she has no memory of anyone ever discussing the bones found on Gardner/Nikumaroro.
- Molly's best friend, Collette, is Jean Brown's neice. Molly will ask her whether she'd be willing to meet with us in Nadi. Collette's husband is the General Manager for Air Pacific. We did not follow up on this.
Gerard Denis Murphy, Jr., MD
- His son is a doctor in Australia. Same name.
- We made no effort to get in touch with the second Dr. Murphy.