
Western Pacific High Commission

Move to Honiara: 1952

1229114 WPHC 9/II F.10/49/1 WPHC Arrangements for the
move to Honiara--General Considerations

[This file is arranged in book order.]

Minute 1: "The documentary accumulation of years in these
offices is very considerable and it may well be that some
part of it could be destroyed and some left in Fiji for
safe custody at least until such time as it is convenient
to move it across. We do not want to clutter ourselves
up with anything that is not essential to the smooth
working of the combined Secretariat." H.E. 19.7.52

RCS Stanley was the H.C.

P. 20 Minute A: to CS from FAS: "... it was decided that
all records after 1920 should be regarded as 'live.' The
remainder of the current records being provisionally
'dead.' In packing arrangements we should attempt to
get the dead files out of the way and pack them separately.
Current files should be packed last ..."

11 Oct 1952: 'Dead' files to be taken to Honiara, not
left in Suva.

28th Oct 1952: They're planning to bring the strong room
door from Suva to Honiara.

Departure of HC for Honiara: 15 December 1952.

F.10/49/2 General considerations, vol II.

F.10/49/6 Movement of Records from Suva to Honiara

Calculates size of storage spaces needed to house
current records, with room for growth. The strong
room has only 300 cubic feet of cupboard and filing
cabinet space and 400 cubic feet of shelf space.

358 cubic feet for records from 1920 onwards.

Shipping inventory for materials sent to Honiara
(18 pages).

Inventory of a camphor wood box labelled "High
Commissioner's Office, Personal and Urgent."

One of the secret files: 41/2 Roman Catholic Mission.

List of Residual Files. [I don't know what that means.
Seems to be stuff left behind for Suva. For example,
Foua Tofiga's Confidential Personal File is left behind.]

Box lists for Files.

Box contents for ASP, Financial Secretary.

Packing cases contents ... Many other such lists ...

OK, I've looked at every page. I'm pretty sure they didn't
ship the bones & sextant box to Honiara with this material.
But they're not noted as left behind, either.

F.10/49/8 Residual functions of the WPHC in Suva ...

Printing, Receptioning, Artisans & Marine. P. 21:
Continuation of survey of pre-1920 records ...
p. 30 Finish physical transfer to the Fiji government
of all the remaining WPHC property in Suva.
"You should also arrange for the sale by public
auction, or by tender, whichever appears to be
likely to produce the best prices, all the equipment
left in the WPHC buildings which is not to be taken
over by Fiji Government, e.g., obsolete refrigerators,
mirrors, etc." (Suva, 7 March, 1953).

Correspondence follows approving the sale of paving blocks,
bedding, other furniture.

Item 43: List of office furniture left in WPHC Offices

Residual Office closed 26 May 1953. Two keys to the
WPHC archives & strongroom. The last thing to be
sold is Marquand's refrigerator after he hauls outta

F.10/49/10 Shipping and Customs Arrangements in Suva.

Two or three motor cars and two bullocks will be shipped.

17.5 tons of office records shipped.

The safe door weighed 1/2 ton.

2 bullocks and six bales of hay.

1 crate of hens.

The actual bills of lading are in this file. I
just sampled the stack. It seems unlikely that
a box of bones would be declared. Contents are
listed very generically: household items,
furniture, bullocks, etc.

WPHC Archive in Auckland, NZ