Owned by Bill Baird. Piloted by Nicholas Roy "Nick" Smith.
Short Google video of the plane in flight.
American 10 Dash 300
The caption reads: "This Canadian-built Ultimate 10-300 "DYSLEXIC" is owned by Bill Baird, Sturgis, Kentucky, and flown by airshow pilot, Nick Smith, Crossville, Tennessee..." [The airplane was 'substantially damaged' in July, 1991, when the pilot ran the lower tanks dry and didn't have enough altitude to restart the engine after switching to the top tanks. Cf. NTSB Report.] |
Here is the plane that the Barnstormer Ultimate is modeled from, owned by Bill Baird, Sturgis, Kentucky, USA. This aircraft was crashed in the early 90's. |
This is Justin Tidwell's Barnestormer 1/4 scale Ultimate 10-300 . |
Notice the flying wires on this kit. It's the first I've seen that goes to that level of detail. There is something unusual about the rigging of the full-scale Ultimate--compare Justin's wires to the picture of the full-scale. The struts that hold the top wing are also slightly different in the RC kits compared to the size and location of struts in the RC versons. |
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