Colossians 1

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Derived from Colossians 1:9-14.

Father, with St. Paul, we persevere in praying
that we may be filled with the knowledge of Your will
through the gifts of spiritual wisdom and understanding
so that we may walk in a manner worthy of Your Son, our Lord,
becoming fully pleasing to you, bearing fruit in every good work,
and growing in the knowledge your Spirit gives us.

May we be strengthened with every power,
in accord with Your glorious might,
especially the power to patiently endure all things,
giving thanks to You with joy, Father,
who have made us fit to share
in the inheritance of the holy ones in light.

You have delivered us from the power of darkness
and have transferred us to the Kingdom of Your beloved Son,
in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

We thank You and bless You and praise You today through
this same Christ, our Lord.
