Google Chrome Review
Features advertised in the comic book:
Stable, quick, efficient.
Clean interface.
Open source (!).
Independent threads for each tab.
Better memory management.
Better debugging of plug-ins.
Huge test bed (automated testing against billions and billions of sample pages).
Independent rendering engine (Webkit).
Stratified security (user .. application elements).
Things I like
Things I don't like
The Competition
Some internals
about:version - obviously version information (also accessible by chrome-resource:
* about:plugins - obviously installed plugins
* about:histograms - hey I love this one! don't quite know what this all means though
* about:dns - obviously just some DNS stats
* about:cache, redirecting to view-cache: - list of cached documents, each viewable in HEX!
* view-cache:stats - stats for cached documents
* about:stats - obviously just some stats
* about:network - that's an awesome tool!
* about:internets - oh, an Easter Egg of a kind? look at the page title - The Tubes are Clogged! ;))
* chrome-resource:/new-tab/ - heh, a template for the empty tab page?
* chrome-resource:/favicon/ - even favicons look like this in the Matrix ;)
* chrome-resource:/thumb/ - this one generates the page thumbnails for the empty tab page
* about:memory - nice memory stats
* :% - yes, just this little bit crashes the browser, so don't try it unless you want to loose the opened tabs
* about:crash - will display the default crash page banner