:: f3a:faqs ::

Why don't you use some other drawing program?

  • Inkscape is free.
  • SVG is an open-source standard.
  • Inkscape and SVG are adequate for my purposes.

What's so great about SVGs?

  • They are Scalable Vector Graphics. They stay nice and clear in all sizes whereas bitmapped images (.jpg, .gif, .png, .tif, etc.) are only clear at one size and become fuzzy when scaled up or down.
  • They are plain text formulas for drawing the figures. Any SVG can be modified by a text editor (if you can find the right line to modify and if you know how to change it).
  • The formulas are very compact compared to bitmapped images. I traced a 5 MB .tif; the .svg file was 49 KB–less than 1% of the size of the bitmap.

Can I use some other program to create and edit SVGs?

  • Yes.
  • SVGs can be created with any text editor.
  • You may be able to export from other drawing programs to SVG.
  • Dia may come in handy. It is a simpler and more orthodox SVG drawing program.
  • There may be other WYSIWIG SVG editors out there.

Why did you pick Inkscape?

  • It turned up in a Google search and it seems to work OK.

Why don't you just draw in 1:1 scale?

  • The target size of the drawings is 1 and 9/16th inches. I find it easier to think of the canvas as 90 x 140 pixels for center maneuvers and 140 x 140 for turnaround maneuvers.

Why are you using 90 dpi as your standard?

  • It seems to work. I started out with 300 dpi and made some drawings that seemed satisfactory to me, but they didn't work out neatly with the .pdf layout.

Would you be willing to try a different scale?

  • Yes–at the outset of the project. I'm open to suggestions.

Why don't you draw the maneuvers to real-world scale?

  • We have to fit 17 maneuvers on one page in a semi-legible format. My goal is simply to have technically accurate Arresti diagrams that match the FAI/F3A text descriptions. How big the maneuvers are in the real world does not concern me (except insofar as it may affect the interpretation of rule #1).

What is rule #1?

  • “The entry of one manoeuvre must be matched to the exit of the previous manoeuvre, for entry altitude, entry attitude (level upright or level inverted flight), size of manoeuvres (wide as in a horizontal eight or narrow as in a stall turn) and direction of flight.”

But maneuvers drawn to scale would be more helpful!

  • So go draw them to scale and do your layouts by hand. Make a better Beppo.

Why don't you want to be more helpful?

  • I'm not smart or good enough. Beppo 1.0 is doable with my time and talent, such as it is. Beppo 3D (with animated movies and notes for judges) is not.

Why don't you write a universal Aresti editor?

  • Because that is hard work. And work is a four-letter word.

Wouldn't a universal editor be better than Beppo?

  • Not for the purposes of constructing a legal unknown program for FAI/F3A competition. Beppo knows and obeys the rules for doing that. Maypo wouldn't. Beppo and Maypo are two different things.

What is Maypo?

  • A universal, open-source, WYSIWIG, Aresti editor.

Why do you call it "Maypo"?

  • “I want my Maypo!”

When will Maypo be released?

  • When it is finished.

Can I have a copy of Beppo?

  • Yes, eventually.

Why can't I have one now?

  • It doesn't all exactly exist yet.
  • I haven't come up with a method to package everything together.

Will I be able to install it on my own computer?

  • Yes, on the assumption that you have these things installed on your computer:
    • A server (IIS or Apache).
    • PHP 5.
    • MySQL.
    • Joomla.
    • Inkscape.

Why don't you just make it self-contained?

  • Why don't you make it self contained yourself?
  • I've got this stuff on my desktop–and laptop–and find it easier to compose for browser access than for other environments.

Why don't you use Visual BASIC?

  • I don't have a copy of VB.
  • I don't want to get a copy of VB.
  • I understand PHP.
  • I don't understand VB.
  • I don't want to understand VB.

Why are you writing the component for Joomla?

  • It allows lots of people to use the same version of the software. I don't have to worry about distributing updates–when I update the NSRCA website, it is updated for everybody.

Are these real questions people asked?

  • Some are, some aren't.

Why would you make up fake FAQs?

  • It's more fun this way.
  • Some of these are the questions that bother me.
  • Nobody talks to me as much as I talk to myself.
  • Nobody ever reads the FAQs. I can say anything I want here. It's like singing in the shower. The world's greatest singer performs for the world's greatest audience!

Why are you writing FAQs instead of code?

  • Writing FAQs is easier.
f3a/faqs.txt · Last modified: 2023/08/12 19:17 by
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