June 13-15, 2008 the Polanyi Society is sponsoring a conference at Loyola University, Chicago on the theme “Personal Knowledge At Fifty.” Personal Knowledge was published in May, 1958 and this conference will celebrate this event as well as provide an opportunity to reappraise Michael Polanyi’s magnum opus and its philosophical agenda in terms of developments in philosophy, science and the globalization of culture.
The conference will be organized like the 1991 and 2001 Polanyi Society conferences at Kent State University and Loyola University, Chicago. There will be several plenary speakers as well as parallel sessions in which conference participants present and discuss papers with others interested in the session’s particular topic. Invitation for plenary speaker are presently pending. This will be a conference that builds in many opportunities for discussion as well as a trip for those interested to the archival Polanyi Papers at the Regenstein Library of the Univeristy of Chicago.
Proposals are invited for papers that discuss the themes or impact of Personal Knowledge and the importance of Polanyi’s philosophical ideas in the contemporary world. Below are a few suggested general categories within which papers might be grouped; these are intended merely to stimulate reflection. The final program will organize sessions in terms of rubrics fashioned in light of proposals submitted.
Proposals for panel presentations on topics are also welcome.
Proposals will be blindly reviewed by a panel of jurors and should be no longer than 250 words.
On the first page of the proposal, give your proposed paper title (or panel title), your name and your e-mail address.
On the second page, repeat the title and provide an abstract.
Mail proposals as e-mail attachment to Phil Mullins (mullins@missouriwes tern.edu).
Proposals will be reviewed in two or three batches.
The initial deadline is Oct. 15, 2007 with projected response by December 1, 2007.
Please forward proposals early in order to facilitate conference planning.