Because of the change to the vernacular, catechists (in general) have stopped teaching people how to pray and meditate during the Mass. I learned the parts of the Mass by the time I was in fourth or fifth grade. I put Greg Widger to sleep one night telling him about the structure of the Mass.
Commentary on the Mass: we need to teach people anew how to pray and meditate during the Mass–how to exercise the priesthood of the faithful by offering themselves in union with the self-sacrifice of Jesus.
The more we give of ourselves in the Mass, the more we will receive God's blessings from it.
GIGO: Garbage in, garbage out. Goodness in, goodness out.
Jesus has been betrayed in every generation by those who have been called and chosen to represent Him.
Judas was the first of many brothers.
In our day, the sins of priests and religious is a grave scandal that has injured multitudes. * The victims of the priests. * The priests themselves. * Others whom the priests have scandalized:
Forgive: * God * Ourselves * People familiar to us * Strangers
How many times do we have to forgive the priests who serve us? “Not seven times. Seventy times seven times” (???).