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* John the Evangelist
* John the Evangelist
* John of Patmos / John the Divine (author of Book of Revelation)
* John of Patmos / John the Divine (author of Book of Revelation)
[[Category:Scripture Studies]]

Revision as of 14:34, 16 September 2010

Matthew, Mark, and Luke are called the "synoptic gospels" because they tell the story of Jesus in a similar way as contrasted to the gospel of John.

Synoptic (Greek, "syn-" + "optos", eye): The gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke are written "with the same view"--the same optic, same eye, same perspective, same viewpoint, same standpoint.

Points of comparison

Synoptics (Mt, Mk, Lk) Gospel of John
Indirect assertions of the divinity of Jesus. Explicitly says that Jesus is GOD, the Son (1:1, 20:28, etc.)
Jesus baptized by John the Baptist No baptism of Jesus John the Baptist
Jesus fasts for 40 days and is tempted by the devil No fast, no temptations
Synoptics list John among the 12 apostles No "John" the Apostle at all; "Beloved Disciple"; no list of 12 apostles.
Rejected by the people in Nazareth No mention of visiting Nazareth and being rejected there
One-year ministry Two- or three-year ministry
One visit to Jerusalem Many visits: 2:13, 5:1, 7:10, 10:22, 11:55
One Passover At least three Passovers
Cleansing of Temple after triumphal entry and shortly before death Cleansing of Temple on first visit to Jerusalem; the triumphal entry is on THIRD visit two years later.
Nothing comparable. Story of woman caught in adultery (7:53-8:10)
Indirect mission statements: "The Son of Man ... " Direct statements: "I am . . . "
"Messianic Secret" Nothing comparable.
Mt & Lk: Beatitudes and Lord's Prayer Mk & Jn: neither Beatitudes nor Lord's Prayer
Transfiguration (Mk 9:2, Mt 17:1, Lk 9:28) No story of the Transfiguration (Jn 1:18 may refer to it obliquely)--but Mt, Mk, Lk say John was there!
Agony in the Garden No agony in the garden -- just one part of a verse (12:27) that raises questions about the synoptic accounts.
Jesus uses parables to teach No parables as such--lots of metaphors instead
Many exorcisms No exorcisms
"Amen, I say to you ..." (total of 50 times in synoptics) "Amen, amen, I say to you ..." (25 times)
"Little Apocalypse" foretelling woes to come to Jerusalem and the world (Mt 24, Mk 13, Lk 21). Few apocalyptic prophecies. The long discourse after the Last Supper does foretell the coming of the Holy Spirit. There are also sayings about Judgment Day.
Last Supper: Passover meal == the first Eucharist. No footwashing ritual. Last Supper: NOT Passover, no story of the Eucharist. Tells about washing of feet instead. Jn 6: Theology of the Eucharist without an "institution narrative."
Simon of Cyrene carries the cross for Jesus. Jesus carries the cross Himself.
Jesus killed the day after Passover Jesus killed the day before Passover--"Preparation Day"
The synoptics use Mary's name when referring to her. Never uses Mary's name. Jesus calls her "woman", not "Mother."
Lk: 40 days from Res to Ascension, 10 more to Pentecost (Jewish festival of the Law). Res, Ascension & Gift of Holy Spirit (Christian Pentecost) on same day.

Date of composition

Estimated time of composition of the gospels (Two Source theory / Q-Hypothesis--one solution of the synoptic problem):

Mark Before 66-70 (destruction of Jerusalem), probably during Roman persecution.
Matthew & Luke after 66-70.
John 80's to 110?

It is hard to say with any certainty whether John had read the other gospels or how familiar he may have been with them through conversations with other Christians.

Synoptic Problem

The synoptic problem arises from the differences between Matthew, Mark, and Luke when they are compared to each other. How can three gospels that are so much alike be so different from each other?

Matthew and Luke to have used "two sources" besides their own unique material:

  • Mark
  • Some other common source (German: Quelle, "source" --> "Q")

M = Material unique to Matthew. L = Material unique to Luke.

Matthew = Mark (edited) + M + Q (edited)

Luke = Mark (edited) + L + Q (edited)

Which John is which?

Distinguish the various Johns. John the Apostle is NOT John the Baptist. John the Apostle may be the Evangelist and the author of Revelation; it is possible that tradition has conflated (run together) the stories of two or three different people:

  • John the Apostle
  • John the Evangelist
  • John of Patmos / John the Divine (author of Book of Revelation)