Preface to Fourth Eucharistic Prayer

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1973 translation

This is the old translation of the Preface. I liked it so much that I memorized most of it by using it in my annual retreats as a text for meditation and prayer. I prefer this translation to the one made in 2011.

Father in heaven,
it is right that we should give You thanks and glory;
You alone are God, living and true.

Through all eternity You live in unapproachable light.
Source of life and goodness, you have created all things,
to fill Your creatures with every blessing
and lead all men to the joyful vision of Your light.
Countless hosts of angels stand before You to do Your will;
they look upon Your splendor and praise You, night and day.

United with them, and in the name of every creature under heaven,
we too praise Your glory as we say: Holy, holy, holy Lord ...

Catholic Doors: "Prefaces."

2011 translation

It is truly right to give you thanks,
truly just to give you glory, Father most holy,
for you are the one God living and true,
existing before all ages and abiding for all eternity,
dwelling in unapproachable light;
yet you, who alone are good, the source of life,
have made all that is,
so that you might fill your creatures with blessings
and bring joy to many of them by the glory of your light.
And so, in your presence are countless hosts of Angels,
who serve you day and night
and, gazing upon the glory of your face,
glorify you without ceasing.
With them we, too, confess your name in exultation,
giving voice to every creature under heaven,
as we acclaim ...

Side-by-side comparison

1973 2011

Father in heaven,
it is right that we should give You thanks and glory;

It is truly right to give you thanks,
truly just to give you glory, Father most holy,

You alone are God, living and true.

for you are the one God living and true,

Through all eternity You live in unapproachable light.

existing before all ages and abiding for all eternity,
dwelling in unapproachable light;

Source of life and goodness, you have created all things,

yet you, who alone are good, the source of life,
have made all that is,

to fill Your creatures with every blessing

so that you might fill your creatures with blessings

and lead all men to the joyful vision of Your light.

and bring joy to many of them by the glory of your light.

Countless hosts of angels stand before You to do Your will;

And so, in your presence are countless hosts of Angels,

they look upon Your splendor and praise You, night and day.

who serve you day and night
and, gazing upon the glory of your face,
glorify you without ceasing.

United with them, and in the name of every creature under heaven,
we too praise Your glory

With them we, too, confess your name in exultation,
giving voice to every creature under heaven,

as we say: Holy, holy, holy Lord ... as we acclaim: Holy, holy, holy Lord ...

The Latin

Vere dignum est tibi grátias ágere,
vere iustum est te glorificáre, Pater sancte,
quia unus es Deus vivus et verus,
qui es ante sæcula et pérmanes in ætérnum,
inaccessíbilem lucem inhábitans;

Sed et qui unus bonus atque fons vitæ
cuncta fecísti,
ut creatúras tuas benedictiónibus adimpléres
multásque lætificáres tui lúminis claritáte.

Et ídeo coram te innúmeræ astant
turbæ angelórum,
qui die ac nocte sérviunt tibi
et, vultus tui glóriam contemplántes,
te incessánter gloríficant.

Cum quibus et nos et, per nostram vocem,
omnis quæ sub cælo est creatúra
nomen tuum in exsultatióne confitémur, canéntes: