My affirmations

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The first section is the First Principle and Foundation from St. Ignatius' Spiritual Exercises. The second part is a list of truths that I use to help me counter depression. I found this meditation helpful. There is nothing sacred about it, so feel free to adapt and rewrite it to suit your own taste and temperament.

First Principle and Foundation

I was created to praise, reverence, and serve God,
our Lord, and by this means to save my soul.

All other things on the face of the earth are created
to help me attain this end.

I must use them insofar as
they help me attain my end and avoid them insofar as
they keep me from attaining my end.

An Act of Faith in Divine Love

For men

I am a man of God.
I am a man of the Church.
I am full of grace.
I am a masterpiece of grace.
I am God's handiwork.

I am a child of God.
I am a son of the Father.
I am a brother of Jesus.
I am a spouse of the Holy Spirit.

I am beautiful because I am loved.
I am beautiful as I am because I am loved as I am.
I am beautiful now because I am loved now.

God loves me totally.

God loves me now.

For women

I am a woman of God.
I am a woman of the Church.
I am full of grace.
I am a masterpiece of grace.
I am God's handiwork.

I am a child of God.
I am a daughter of the Father.
I am a spouse of Jesus.
I am a temple of the Holy Spirit.

I am beautiful because I am loved.
I am beautiful as I am because I am loved as I am.
I am beautiful now because I am loved now.

God loves me totally.

God loves me now.