How to Plan a Środowisko Event

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Theme and Projects

Choose an ecclesial art project.
Choose a theme.
Design the t-shirt.
Connect the theme to the art project.
Begin the booklet.
Choose the direction that the video projects ought to take.


While you're thinking... do inventory!

Inventory art supplies.
Inventory sacristy.
Is there enough altar wine? Are there enough large and small hosts? Candles (altar and tabernacle)? Incense and charcoal briquettes?
Inventory kitchen supplies.
Check expiration dates on food in the cabinets and in the fridge.
Are there enough paper plates and napkins for Sunday night, the beach, and the Saturday family gathering?
Are there dish buckets? Is there enough dish soap?
Inventory cleaning supplies. Looking at the task lists will help identify which supplies are missing.
Does every cleaning station have supplies, rags, brooms, etc.?


Create the menu.
Make a shopping list.


Send out a packing email to the participants
Check the registration forms - does anyone have a birthday during the week?
Assign groups, favor friendships, give groups unrepeatable names.
When you don't know what to do next, look at the archives.