N69RJ: S1C/S1S/Ultimate Pitts
For Sale -- 2009

From http://groups.yahoo.com/group/AcroMod/message/14931:
N69RJ in Livermore, CA is for sale.
Modified S1S experimental for sale, capable of flying unlimited or
racing in Gold at Reno.
Ultimate firewall, cowl, spinner
Truss-rib symmetrical wings with wood leading edges, symmetrical
extended ailerons, and square tips.
Lycoming O-360A4A bendix fuel injected, 4:1 exhaust, cold-air
induction, magnesium sump, 7.8gph
Dual servo trim tabs
Steerable TW
Christen wobble, teflon braided lines
Flush and offset fuel filler
Sam James pants, Lambs, Cleveland
RMI engine monitor with fuel flow
Microair 760 Xcvr
620 TT, 455 SMOH (great compression)
Hours, stats, photos, video at:
Hi Marty:
We've talked before. I finished my spinner mold and made a nice one out of carbon for the Reno Air Races. Super light and shouldn't be any cracking problems. We did OK, taking 6th in Gold.
Feel free to take any photos or link to my site: <www.geocities.com/mgd3/flying/my_pitts.htm>. Note that it's an S1C cum S1S cum Ultimate Pitts. spring gear, cowl, firewall, spinner.
I got a jillion photos I'll put up one of these days if I don't run out of GB.
Michael G. Davis
G-Whiz Air Racing Team