The first FONRA was held in 1997--organized by Paul Drajem.
2007 will be our tenth anniversary FONRA.
R/C Pilots:
- Admission is free. AMA insurance required.
- Raffle tickets earned by flying airplanes or helicopters--one ticket per flight.
- Drawings all day long. You need not be present to win the Grand Prizes. Gifts received last year included donations from:
- Frank Tiano Enterprises (Zap Products)
- Futaba
- Hobby Lobby
- House of Balsa
- Morris Hobbies
- Robart Industries
- Lunch is provided.
- Admission is free.
- Bring your own food and drink.
- Special rocket, scale, helicopter, aerobatic, and combat demonstrations between 12:00 noon and 2:00 PM.
- Raffle tickets available for R/C airplane and engine (drawing in August).
Exit 24 from I-190
Witmer (31) and Military Road (265)
Niagara Falls/Lewiston, NY
For more information, call Marty Moleski, SJ, at (716)